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struct php_stream_ops
struct php_stream_wrapper struct php_stream_wrapper_ops

9.1.8 Streams Structures
9.1 API de flôts les auteurs d'extensions
9 PHP API: Interface pour les extensions
 Manuel PHP

struct php_stream_statbuf
struct php_stream_dirent
struct php_stream_ops
->struct php_stream_wrapper
struct php_stream_wrapper_ops
struct php_stream_filter
struct php_stream_filter_ops struct php_stream_wrapper()Conserve les propriétés et pointeur d'un gestionnaire de flôt

[ Exemples avec truct_php_stream_wrapper ]   CVS uniquement

struct _php_stream_wrapper  {
            php_stream_wrapper_ops *wops;   /* operations the wrapper can perform */
            void *abstract;                 /* context for the wrapper */
            int is_url;                     /* so that PG(allow_url_fopen) can be respected */

            /* support for wrappers to return (multiple) error messages to the stream opener */
            int err_count;
            char **err_stack;
        } php_stream_wrapper;

<< struct php_stream_wrapper >>
struct php_stream_ops Streams Structures struct php_stream_wrapper_ops
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