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I would like to write a generic PHP script that can handle data coming from any form. How do I know which POST method variables are available?
I need to convert all single-quotes (') to a backslash followed by a single-quote (\'). How can I do this with a regular expression? I'd also like to convert " to \" and \ to \\. All my " turn into \" and my ' turn into \', how do I get rid of all these unwanted backslashes? How and why did they get there?

10.7 Using PHP
10 FAQ : Foire Aux Questions
 Manuel PHP

I would like to write a generic PHP script that can handle data coming from any form. How do I know which POST method variables are available?
-> I need to convert all single-quotes (') to a backslash followed by a single-quote (\'). How can I do this with a regular expression? I'd also like to convert " to \" and \ to \\.
All my " turn into \" and my ' turn into \', how do I get rid of all these unwanted backslashes? How and why did they get there?
When I do the following, the output is printed in the wrong order:
Hey, what happened to my newlines?
I get the message 'Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent...' or 'Cannot add header information - headers already sent...'.
I need to access information in the request header directly. How can I do this?
When I try to use authentication with IIS I get 'No Input file specified'.
My PHP script works on IE and Lynx, but on Netscape some of my output is missing. When I do a "View Source" I see the content in IE but not in Netscape.
How am I supposed to mix XML and PHP? It complains about my <?xml tags!
How can I use PHP with FrontPage or some other HTML editor that insists on moving my code around?
Where can I find a complete list of variables are available to me in PHP?
How can I generate PDF files without using the non-free and commercial libraries
I'm trying to access one of the standard CGI variables (such as $DOCUMENT_ROOT or $HTTP_REFERER) in a user-defined function, and it can't seem to find it. What's wrong?

10.7.2 I need to convert all single-quotes (') to a backslash followed by a single-quote (\'). How can I do this with a regular expression? I'd also like to convert " to \" and \ to \\.

The function addslashes will do this. See also mysql_escape_string . You may also strip backslashes with stripslashes .

Note concernant la directive : magic_quotes_gpc

La directive PHP magic_quotes_gpc est par défaut à on . En bref, elle applique la fonction addslashes sur toutes vos données issues de GET, POST et COOKIE. Vous pouvez utiliser la fonction stripslashes pour supprimer cet effet.

<< I need to convert all single-quotes (') to a backslash followed by a single-quote (\'). How can I do this with a regular expression? I'd also like to convert " to \" and \ to \\. >>
I would like to write a generic PHP script that can handle data coming from any form. How do I know which POST method variables are available? Using PHP All my " turn into \" and my ' turn into \', how do I get rid of all these unwanted backslashes? How and why did they get there?
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