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Are there any PHP mailing lists?
Are there any other communities? Help! I can't seem to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from one of the mailing lists!

10.2 Mailing lists
10 FAQ : Foire Aux Questions
 Manuel PHP

Are there any PHP mailing lists?
->Are there any other communities?
Help! I can't seem to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from one of the mailing lists!
Is there an archive of the mailing lists anywhere?
What can I ask the mailing list?
What information should I include when posting to the mailing list?

10.2.2 Are there any other communities?

There are countless of them around the world. We have links for example to some IRC servers and foreign language mailing lists on our Support page.

<< Are there any other communities? >>
Are there any PHP mailing lists? Mailing lists Help! I can't seem to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from one of the mailing lists!
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