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Unix: I installed PHP using RPMS, but Apache isn't processing the PHP pages! What's going on here?
Unix: I installed PHP 3 using RPMS, but it doesn't compile with the database support I need! What's going on here? Unix: I patched Apache with the FrontPage extensions patch, and suddenly PHP stopped working. Is PHP incompatible with the Apache FrontPage extensions?

10.5 Installation
10 FAQ : Foire Aux Questions
 Manuel PHP

Unix/Windows: Where should my
Unix: I installed PHP, but every time I load a document, I get the message 'Document Contains No Data'! What's going on here?
Unix: I installed PHP using RPMS, but Apache isn't processing the PHP pages! What's going on here?
-> Unix: I installed PHP 3 using RPMS, but it doesn't compile with the database support I need! What's going on here?
Unix: I patched Apache with the FrontPage extensions patch, and suddenly PHP stopped working. Is PHP incompatible with the Apache FrontPage extensions?
Unix/Windows: I have installed PHP, but when I try to access a PHP script file via my browser, I get a blank screen.
Unix/Windows: I have installed PHP, but when try to access a PHP script file via my browser, I get a server 500 error.
Some operating systems: I have installed PHP without errors, but when I try to start apache I get undefined symbol errors:
Windows: I have installed PHP, but when I to access a PHP script file via my browser, I get the error:
Windows: I've followed all the instructions, but still can't get PHP and IIS to work together!
When running PHP as CGI with IIS, PWS, OmniHTTPD or Xitami, I get the following error:
How do I know if my

10.5.4 Unix: I installed PHP 3 using RPMS, but it doesn't compile with the database support I need! What's going on here?

Due to the way PHP 3 built, it is not easy to build a complete flexible PHP RPM. This issue is addressed in PHP 4. For PHP 3, we currently suggest you use the mechanism described in the INSTALL.REDHAT file in the PHP distribution. If you insist on using an RPM version of PHP 3, read on...

The RPM packagers are setting up the RPMS to install without database support to simplify installations and because RPMS use /usr/ instead of the standard /usr/local/ directory for files. You need to tell the RPM spec file which databases to support and the location of the top-level of your database server.

This example will explain the process of adding support for the popular MySQL database server, using the mod installation for Apache.

Of course all of this information can be adjusted for any database server that PHP supports. We will assume you installed MySQL and Apache completely with RPMS for this example as well.

  • First remove mod_php3 :
    rpm -e mod_php3
  • Then get the source rpm and INSTALL it, NOT --rebuild
    rpm -Uvh mod_php3-3.0.5-2.src.rpm
  • Then edit the /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/mod_php3.spec file

    In the %build section add the database support you want, and the path.

    For MySQL you would add

    --with-mysql=/usr \
    The %build section will look something like this:
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
        --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \
        --with-config-file-path=/usr/lib \
        --enable-debug=no \
        --enable-safe-mode \
        --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin \
        --with-mysql=/usr \
  • Once this modification is made then build the binary rpm as follows:
    rpm -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/mod_php3.spec
  • Then install the rpm
    rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/mod_php3-3.0.5-2.i386.rpm
Make sure you restart Apache, and you now have PHP 3 with MySQL support using RPM's. Note that it is probably much easier to just build from the distribution tarball of PHP 3 and follow the instructions in INSTALL.REDHAT found in that distribution.

<< Unix: I installed PHP 3 using RPMS, but it doesn't compile with the database support I need! What's going on here? >>
Unix: I installed PHP using RPMS, but Apache isn't processing the PHP pages! What's going on here? Installation Unix: I patched Apache with the FrontPage extensions patch, and suddenly PHP stopped working. Is PHP incompatible with the Apache FrontPage extensions?
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