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So PHP works with COM, how about COM+ ?
If PHP can manipulate COM objects, can we imagine to use MTS to manage components resources, in conjunction with PHP ? FAQ : Foire Aux Questions

10.9 PHP and COM
10 FAQ : Foire Aux Questions
 Manuel PHP

I have built a DLL to calculate something. Is there any way to run this DLL under PHP ?
What does 'Unsupported variant type: xxxx (0xxxxx)' mean ?
Is it possible manipulate visual objects in PHP ?
Can I store a COM object in a session ?
How can I trap COM errors ?
Can I generate DLL files from PHP scripts like i can in Perl ?
What does 'Unable to obtain IDispatch interface for CLSID {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' mean ?
How can I run COM object from remote server ?
I get 'DCOM is disabled in C:\path...\scriptname.php on line 6', what can I do ?
Is it possible to load/manipulate an ActiveX object in a page with PHP ?
Is it possible to get a running instance of a component ?
Is there a way to handle an event sent from COM object ?
I'm having problems when trying to invoke a method of a COM object which exposes more than one interface. What can I do ?
So PHP works with COM, how about COM+ ?
-> If PHP can manipulate COM objects, can we imagine to use MTS to manage components resources, in conjunction with PHP ?

10.9.15 If PHP can manipulate COM objects, can we imagine to use MTS to manage components resources, in conjunction with PHP ?

PHP itself doesn't handle transactions yet. Thus if an error occurs no rollback is initiated. If you use components that support transactions you will have to implement the transaction management yourself.

<< If PHP can manipulate COM objects, can we imagine to use MTS to manage components resources, in conjunction with PHP ? >>
So PHP works with COM, how about COM+ ? PHP and COM FAQ : Foire Aux Questions
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